OPM Solutions
Call us today for a no-obligation quote for a system that will take the worry away. Our software, combined with either an FBI-certified desktop scanner or an FBI-certified live scan device, will facilitate the scanning and transmission of fingerprints. Remote implementation can be scheduled and you will be up and running within a couple of hours.AD&S is OPM (U. S. Office of Personnel Management) certified for electronic transmission of fingerprints with all U. S. Government agencies. Utilizing the secure VPN tunnel, FingerPro ID easily captures information along with fingerprints and transmits directly to the OPM.SWFT Solutions
All contractors doing business with the U. S. Department of Defense along with companies participating in the National industrial Security Program must submit fingerprints for criminal history background checks. FingerPro ID has the perfect solution that is user-friendly, easily navigated, and within a couple of minutes your potential employee’s fingerprints can be securely uploaded to the SWFT website for this purpose. The SWFT website is a secure electronic gateway for the fulfillment of this mandate.As with all systems developed by AD&S, our systems provide submission of both livescan capture and cardscan capture of fingerprint cards (acquired by the inked method). FingerPro ID digitally converts the inked card to meet ANSI/NIST and FBI specifications for electronic transmission.Don’t procrastinate! Call us today! Let us help you get this checked off your “Things To Do” list so that you are not one of those predicted to be a last-minute compliance candidate.
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